Depression & Chronic PainMeditation and Mental HealthPsychology Today. - Samoon Ahmad M.D. - July 17 2019 Does the science support the hype? Fittingly, it turns out that this focus on breath...
Cardiovascular disease (CVD)The 24-Form & Coronary Heart DiseaseFrontiers in Physiology - March 11 2020 The 24-Form Tai Chi Improves Anxiety and Depression and Upregulates miR-17-92 in Coronary Heart...
Depression & Chronic PainQigong & Tai Chi to Help Chronic PainEvery Day Health - Julie Lynn Marks - March 9 2022 Practicing the gentle movements of tai chi and qigong can relieve pain. Qigong...
Depression & Chronic PainTreating Depression With Tai ChiPsychiatry - Jian Kong et al. - 12 April 2019 State of the Art and Future Perspectives Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most...