Try Tai ChiBBC - Just One Thing - Michael Mosley - Jan 25 2023 How this 'meditation in motion' can improve your immune system, boost your heart...
Beneficial in tackling middle-aged spreadMailOnLine - Ryan Morrison - May 31 2021 Deep breathing and Tai Chi movements can be as beneficial as normal exercise in tackling...
Tai Chi v ZumbaBBC Science Unit/ Trust Me I'm a Doctor - Mike Duffy - Oct 10 2018 Do you have to work up a sweat to get fit? The health benefits of...
Tai Chi 'could be prescribed' for illnessesBBC - News - 18 September 2015 Tai Chi is a suitable exercise for older people with conditions like arthritis, a study has found. Tai Chi...
Meditation and Mental HealthPsychology Today. - Samoon Ahmad M.D. - July 17 2019 Does the science support the hype? Fittingly, it turns out that this focus on breath...
The 24-Form & Coronary Heart DiseaseFrontiers in Physiology - March 11 2020 The 24-Form Tai Chi Improves Anxiety and Depression and Upregulates miR-17-92 in Coronary Heart...
Qigong & Tai Chi to Help Chronic PainEvery Day Health - Julie Lynn Marks - March 9 2022 Practicing the gentle movements of tai chi and qigong can relieve pain. Qigong...
Treating Depression With Tai ChiPsychiatry - Jian Kong et al. - 12 April 2019 State of the Art and Future Perspectives Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most...
Clinical Effects of Baduanjin QigongHindawi - Chi-Chun Kuo et al. - April 8 2021 Exercise on Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Randomized Controlled...
Yoga and Qigong for Health: Two Sides of the Same Coin?MDPI - Paula Boaventura et al. - July 3 2022 Abstract Yoga and qigong are ancient mind–body practices used in the East for thousands of...
A Comprehensive Review of Health BenefitsSage Journals - RogerJahnke, OMD et al. - Jully 1 2010 Objective. Research examining psychological and physiological benefits of Qigong...
Meditation and Mental HealthPsychology Today. - Samoon Ahmad M.D. - July 17 2019 Does the science support the hype? Fittingly, it turns out that this focus on breath...